Vos consentitis ad terminos et condictiones quae inquo in conventum de usu Vestri Situs. Conventum habet extemam ac unicam conventum inter vos et Software respectu de usu Vestri Situs et supersedit omnes pacta priora vel contemporanea, repraesentationes, warantias et/autem intelligentias respectu de Vestri Situs. Nos possumus emendare conventum ex tempore in tempus ex nostra sola arbitrate, sine notitia speciali ad vos. Ultimum pactum erit affixum in Vestri Situs, et vos debetis recensere pactum ante usu Vestri Situs. Per vestrum continuantem usum de Vestri Situs et/autem Sermones, vos iam consentitis ad observare omnes terminos et condictiones contentas intra illud pactum efficacem in illo tempore. Ideo, vos deberetis saepe inspectare hac pagina pro innovationes et/autem emendationes.
Ab occasione in tempore, TheSoftware praemia promotionesque alios per Contiones offert. Veram et accuratam informationem in coniunctione cum tabula Contionis pertinentis praebens, ac Regulis Contestis Officialibus adhibitis unicuique Contioni consentiens, potes ut participes ad promotiones praemia pertracta per unumquemque Contest. Ad particendum in Contiones quae in Pagina Web exhibentur, oportet primum formam participationis applicabilem penitus implere. Consentis veram, accuratam, praesentem et completam Registri Contestationis Data. TheSoftware ius habet ad rejiciendam omnem Contestationis Data ubi determinatur, in soli exclusiveque arbitrio TheSoftware, quod: (i) es in violatione alicujus partis Conventionis; et/sive (ii) Contestationis Data quod praebuisti est imperfectum, fraudulosum, duplicatum vel alio modo inacceptabile. TheSoftware possit Criteria Datae Registrationis in quovis tempore mutare, in soli suo arbitrio.
As a user of the Website, you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable and limited license to access and use the Website, Content and associated material in accordance with the Agreement. TheSoftware may terminate this license at any time for any reason. You may use the Website and Content on one computer for your own personal, non-commercial use. No part of the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or transfer the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services or any portion thereof. TheSoftware reserves any rights not explicitly granted in the Agreement. You may not use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website. You may not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on TheSoftware’s infrastructure. Your right to use the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services is not transferable.
The content, organization, graphics, design, compilation, magnetic translation, digital conversion, software, services and other matters related to the Website, Content, Contests and Services are protected under applicable copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary (including, but not limited to, intellectual property) rights. The copying, redistribution, publication or sale by you of any part of the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services is strictly prohibited. Systematic retrieval of material from the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services by automated means or any other form of scraping or data extraction in order to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory without written permission from TheSoftware is prohibited. You do not acquire ownership rights to any content, document, software, services or other materials viewed at or through the Website, Content, Contests and/or Services. The posting of information or material on the Website, or by and through the Services, by TheSoftware does not constitute a waiver of any right in or to such information and/or materials. The TheSoftware name and logo, and all associated graphics, icons and service names, are trademarks of TheSoftware. All other trademarks appearing on the Website or by and through the Services are the property of their respective owners. The use of any trademark without the applicable owner’s express written consent is strictly prohibited.
Unless expressly authorized by TheSoftware, no one may hyperlink the Website, or portions thereof (including, but not limited to, logotypes, trademarks, branding or copyrighted material), to their website or web venue for any reason. Further, framing the Website and/or referencing the Uniform Resource Locator ( URL ) of the Website in any commercial or non-commercial media without the prior, express, written permission of TheSoftware is strictly prohibited. You specifically agree to cooperate with the Website to remove or cease, as applicable, any such content or activity. You hereby acknowledge that you shall be liable for any and all damages associated therewith.
In nostra sola voluntate reservamus ius mutandi et/sive delendi qualiscumque documenta, informationem vel aliam contentum invenientem in Pagina.
Visitors download information from the Website at their own risk. TheSoftware makes no warranty that such downloads are free of corrupting computer codes including, but not limited to, viruses and worms.
Sei d’accordo per indennizzare e tenere TheSoftware, ciascuno dei loro genitori, filiali e affiliazioni, e ciascuno dei loro rispettivi membri, dirigenti, direttori, dipendenti, agenti, co-branders e/o altri partner, al riparo da qualsiasi e tutte le rivendicazioni, spese (compresi gli onorari ragionevoli degli avvocati), danni, azioni legali, costi, richieste e/o sentenze, fatte da terze parti a causa di o derivanti da: (a) il tuo utilizzo del Sito web, dei Servizi, dei Contenuti e/o della partecipazione a qualsiasi Contest; (b) la tua violazione del Contratto; e/o (c) la tua violazione dei diritti di un’altra persona e/o entità. Le disposizioni di questo paragrafo sono a beneficio di TheSoftware, ciascuno dei loro genitori, filiali e/o affiliazioni, e ciascuno dei rispettivi dirigenti, direttori, membri, dipendenti, agenti, azionisti, concedenti, fornitori e/o avvocati. Ciascuna di queste persone e entità avrà il diritto di far valere e far rispettare direttamente queste disposizioni nei tuoi confronti a nome proprio.
Pagina internet vincula et/aut inducit vos ad alias paginas internet et/aut ad alias subsidia includens, sed non solum, ea quae possidentur et administrantur a Tertiae Personae Instituendo. Quoniam TheSoftware non habet potestatem super alias paginas internet et/aut subsidia huiusmodi, tu agnoscis hinc inde consentisque TheSoftware non esse curiosum de disponibilitate taliarum paginarum internet et/aut subsidiis. Porro, TheSoftware non foveat et non est curiosus vel responsabilis pro conditionibus, politicis secretis, contento, publicitate, servitiis, productis et/aut aliis negotiis in vel ex talibus paginis internet tertiae personae aut subsidiis, aut pro ulla iniuria et/aut damno emergente exinde.
Usus Paginae, et omnes commentationes, responsiones, informationes, Registration Data et/vestimenta quae submittis per vel in consortium cum Pagina, subjectum est nostrae Legibus Secretum. Nobis reservamus ius uti omni informatione de tuo usu Paginae, et omni alia informatione personali a te data, secundum condictiones nostrae Legum Secretarum. Ut videas nostras Leges Secretas, quaeso Clic Cis.
Quivis conatus ab aliquo, sive sit TheSoftware client sive non, ut damnum inferat, destruat, adulteret, scindat et/aut aliter obfusquet operationem Paginae, est violatio iuris criminalis et civilis. TheSoftware accurate omnia remedia hac de re adversus quoscumque violatores, sive singularis sive corporatio, ad ultimum licitum in iure et aequitate persequetur.